Friday, January 31, 2014

To Shellac or Not to Shellac, That is the Question

When it comes to nails, Shellac is probably the most debated topic in the field - So naturally, I decided to give you guys the low-down on all that is shellac.

In my opinion the most important factor in any manicure/pedicure is going to a good salon. I would much rather spend an extra 5 dollars and know I am going to get better service in a cleaner environment, than skimp and be disappointed. I go to a local salon in my area called Queen Bee Nails, which is beyond fabulous. And it is because of this that I think I am such a shellac fanatic. I'm the type of girl who never fails to mess up her nails, and shellac has changed that. Whenever I used to get a regular mani/pedi, I would always end up banging my nails on something before they were dry and would totally ruin them - it was Murphy's Law. I know a lot of people who have struggled with dry and brittle nails after Shellac, but I am not one of them. However, I do have abnormally thick nails that I got from my momma. The only time I've noticed any sort of thinning or breaking of my nails is when I've picked at them and peeled the shellac off - BAD IDEA. Peeling any sort of adhesive off of your nails is going to do your nails damaged, even when you pick regular nail polish off, you're removing a layer of nail, so NO PICKING!

Another important thing to realize is that Shellac is NOT the same as gel, they are two totally different things. Shellac involves thin coats of polish going onto your natural nails that are dried by UV lights, gel involves sculpting and filling of the nails, and that is what causes the most damage. What Shellac offers is a manicure that lasts weeks. I am not exaggerating when I say it has lasted me as long as three weeks without chipping, it is insane the wear you can get out of it. Ultimately, if you have healthy, strong nails, Shellac isn't going to change that, but if you have weak, brittle nails, Shellac isn't going to change that either. The thing I love the most about it, is the zero dry time. There is nothing better than being able to walk out of the nail salon and continue about your business without looking like a freak who won't touch anything. While it is more expensive than a regular manicure, I personally think it is well worth the cost. With regular nail polish I can get maybe 3 days with no chips if I'm really careful, with Shellac, I can do dishes, go to the gym, do whatever I need to, and it won't chip. I do however try and go somewhere between every two to two and a half weeks, just because my nails grow relatively quickly and I don't want the polish to be too far from my cuticle.

As the Shellac market has been growing, so has the color selection, and nowadays if you want a color, they probably have it in Shellac form. OPI has their own line of shellac colors, however they call them 'gel polish.' Don't get confused, it is the same formula as shellac, just a fancier name. It isn't actually the harmful gel. Some of my personal favorites from OPI are listed below;

1. Big Apple Red
2. Peace Love & OPI 
3. Suzi Says Feng Shui 
4. You Don't Know Jaques 
5. A Grape Fit 
6. Bubble Bath 
7. Thanks a WindMillion
8. Pedal Faster Suzi!

And since Valentine's day is coming up right around the corner, I decided to share some festive and cute ways you could do your nails! Treat your self to something new if you haven't tried it before - I'm sure you'll be hooked. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Beauty Favorites | January 2014

As January comes to an end, the time has come to tell you all about the amazing beauty products I've been loving this month! 'Monthly Favorite' videos are always my go-to when it comes to getting beauty advice on Youtube, so I thought I'd do my own little version here on my blog. Hopefully from this you can find some new favorites of your own 

1. Sephora Bronzing Powder
So once again when I went into Sephora for my huge haul at the beginning of the month I absolutely had to buy this bronzing powder. I initially went in to get the Too Faced Milk Chocolate Soleil bronzer because I had heard so many good things about it. I wasn't really into the fact that it literally smelled like chocolate though. The lovely lady at Sephora recommended this product to me which was SO MUCH CHEAPER, and didn't smell like a candy bar - so of course I snatched it up. It was $17 compared to the $30 the Too Faced one, which makes a big difference. After using it all of this month I am so in love I don't know how I ever lived without it. It's supposed to be a dupe for the Too Faced, but since I haven't used that product all that much I can't really say whether or not that is true. I got the shade 'los cabos' which is a matte medium brown. There were so many options I was overwhelmed, but what I really like about this product was that it wasn't too dark or too light and because it was matte it is perfect for contouring. Like I said, I've been using it all month and I've barely made a dent in it. It is super pigmented and really blendable which is always a plus because you don't want your contour to be super harsh or muddy. Definitely something lighter skin girls should try out, especially in the Winter when you probably aren't as bronzed as you might be in the Summer. Plus, for $17 there's no excuse not to.

2. Mary-Lou Manizer by The Balm
In general, I'm not a huge highlighter fanatic. I have a few, but could really just do with one or none at all. HOWEVER, this highlighter is like heaven. The Balm must have used magic fairies to make it because it is that amazing. It is extremely pigmented, and has just the right amount of shine. It feels like I'm never going to run out of it because you literally need the smallest amount to do the job. I use it to highlight the highest parts of my cheek bones and my cupids bow & the finish is phenomenal. If you do not have this product, literally stop reading this and order it right now. It has the perfect amount of nude and honey-hued gold shimmer to it so that it makes you look amazingly highlighted, and not like a disco ball. I got mine off of Amazon for $20, but it retails for $24 on The Balm's website. I really don't need to do a big shpeal on it - it's amazing, you need it in your life, go get it.

3. Clarisonic Mia 2
So I know I'm a little behind the trend but I really just never wanted to break down and invest in a product this pricy, especially since I've never really had problematic skin. However, I did end up getting it at the beginning of the month and I have to say, I am OBSESSED. First and foremost, yes, it is worth the price. Retailing a $150 at Sephora and on the Clarisonic website,  it is understandable why you aren't jumping at the opportunity to buy one, but it will truly change your life. What the Clarisonic does is penetrate deep into your pores to remove the dirt and oil, AND makeup, something your hands can't do. That being said, your skin will get worse before it gets better- do not panic, work through it. This happens because your skin is purging itself of all the impurities, allowing your best skin to shin through.There are five different brush heads available with the device, each for different things and skin types. Each Clarisonic Mia 2 comes with the sensitive brush head on it to start. I decided to buy the deep pore brush head and begin with that because I don't have sensitive skin and I really wanted the Clarisonic to get deep down in there. The brush heads retail for $25 each or 40$ for a pair, and need to be replaced roughly every three months. I decided to get the Mia 2 in the plain white color because I usually get bored of anything too vibrant or colorful after a few months, however, it does come in a variety of colors. Right now on they have a new limited edition collection called the 'Festival of Colors' collection, which features 4 different limited edition colors, so I would definitely recommend checking that out if you are a bright color lover. The main differences between the Mia 2 and the first Mia are the shape and speed features. The Mia 2 is smaller and more comfortable to hold and features two speeds, whereas the Mia has only one speed setting. Both are 100% waterproof which is a big plus if you want to use it in the shower and don't want to get electrocuted or anything. The Clarisonic can be used with any facial cleanser you want as long as it isn't an exfoliator (so whichever soap you use for your face is fine, I've been using the Clinique liquid facial soap). The Clarisonic works on a 60 second cycle, and I won't bore you with too many details, but you can go on the Clarisonic website to find out more about it if you do end up getting it. Unless you suffer from cystic acne, I would recommend this product to everyone. You truly do notice a difference in the quality of your skin and it really is worth all the hype. If you can manage to spare the money, go out and get one and try it for yourself. Clarisonic offers a 90-day money back guarantee so you can't really go wrong. And if any of you lovelies do end up getting it, please comment below and let me know if you have any questions and how your liking it.

4. Origins GinZing Eye Cream
I picked up this gem early in the month at Sephora, and you guessed it, I am OBSESSED. It retails for $30 which isn't too bad for an eye cream. I was torn between this one and getting one from Clinique since I already use so many of their products. I decided to go with this one because it really targeted the things I needed. The goal of the cream is to brighten and depuff - which means it will get rid of those pesky dark circles and bags. Because I'm barely 20 I wasn't too worried about getting an anti-aging eye cream just yet, but I had notice some dehydration lines under my eyes and this bad boy cleared those right up. This is the first Origins product I've ever really tried and I have to say I was super impressed. The smallest amount goes such a long way and for the price I think you get a lot of product. It doesn't feel greasy or sticky like a lot of eye creams I've used before and sits really nicely under my makeup. Unlike other eye creams or serums I've used in the past this one is meant for use in the AM, which I think makes sense, because it helps your eyes when you need it, as apposed to having your dark circles and bags vanish in your sleep. On the Origins website it says the product contains Caffeine from Coffee bean, Panax Ginseng, Magnolia Extract and natural optic brighteners. These ingredients are supposed to 'wake up, refreshen and restore radiance to tired eyes.' I genuinely believe this product does everything it claims to. I'm obviously not paid by Origins to give them a good review, so if it wasn't worth the money I would let you guys know. But again, if you can, try this product out and let me know what you think :)

5. Nuance Renewed Radiance Moisturizing Day Cream
So I got like 10 samples of this cream at my local CVS and wasn't expecting much from it, but was once again pleasantly surprised. The Nuance brand is relatively new and was developed by actress Salma Hayek. The brand has literally every beauty product you can think of, from hair care, to make-up, nail polish, facial treatments, body creams - literally everything. The cream has SPF 30 in it but doesn't have that disgusting sunblock scent, which is really nice. Its thick, but doesn't feel like its clogging your pores by any means. It also has a bunch of yummy ingredients in it which are supposed to help the overall tone of your skin over time. Its sold at CVS online and in stores for $16.99 which is pretty reasonable. However, you don't get that much bang for your buck. My skin gets supper dry in the winter so I lather my face with cream like its no ones business - meaning I've gone through it relatively quickly. However, that being said, I've had trouble finding moisturizers that have sun protectant, but don't smell like it. All in all, for a drugstore skin care product, I think it does what it says it well, protects you from the sun, and smells nice and fresh, so its a winner in my book. If any of you have been using any day creams lately that you're in love with or recommend me trying, please let me know in the comments below!

6. L'Oréal True Match Lumi
Another thing I'm super late in trying, but what can you do. I actually picked this up one day on a whim when I got a little beauty happy in CVS. I do have to say it was one of the better impulse buys I've made in my life. I'm in the shade W4 - natural beige, which matches my skin PERFECTLY. L'Oréal really hit the nail on the head with this product. First and foremost, the True Match line has more color diversity than a lot of other lines I've seen at the drugstore which is really nice. Even for me, having 4 colors to choose from is not ideal. The whole idea behind the Lumi is that it is supposed to help improve the look of your skin while you wear it. I don't know any girl who would object to that. The one thing I really love about this product is the luminous finish. You read 'Lumi' in the name and it can either make you think your going to look super shiny or that it probably won't live up to the expectations. The product really gives you the perfectly balanced dewy finish. I have some dry patches on my skin and it didn't cling to them at all. I want to say this is a medium coverage foundation, but can definitely be built up to full if you want to. It was only $12.99 at my CVS and if you love make-up like I do, you know that is a steal for a good foundation. It is sold pretty much everywhere; Walgreens, Ulta, Target, etc. The only skin type that might not be in love with it are my oily skin girls. It is after all a luminous foundation, so if you are super oily, I'd stay away and go for something with more of a matté formula like the Revlon Colorstay Whipped. 

7. NuMe Arganics Argan Oil
Last, but certainly not least is Nume's Arganics Argan Oil. This product is nectar sent down from the hair gods to give us luscious locks. Seriously this product is AMAZING. That being said, it is super pricy. It goes for $59 on the NuME website, but it is worth every penny. Luckily, my wonderful boyfriend managed to snag me two during their huge black Friday sale, so thats how I got my hands on it. Right now NuMe is having a 50% off site-wide sale, including free shipping when you use the code 'justforyou' at checkout, so what better time to pick one up for yourself. I am the type of person who really doesn't mind spending money, but I hate wasting it. That being said I can honestly sit here and tell you that this is a really good investment, especially if you're either trying to to grow out your hair like I am, or you are regularly coloring it. NuMe is also constantly having awesome sales, and when you sign up for their emails you get something like $50 off of your first purchase. I have tried more hair oils that anyone I know, and this is the best of the best. It is moisturizing, but not heavy or greasy - it gets the job done the best way possible. So if you are able to spare the money, or your significant other is able to get it for you for valentine's day, DO IT!

8. Clinique Blushing Blush Powder
Anyone who knows me know my holy grail blush is Nars' Orgasm, but, I decided to switch it up this month and try something new. This blush was actually something I got as part of a gift with purchase ages ago, and I recently stumbled upon so I thought I should use it up before it gets lost again. The shade I've been using is 'Cupid' - a BEAUTIFUL pale, dusty pink. I really decided to use it because since I am a lot lighter than I am in the summer, the pink was just the perfect shade to make me look rosy, but not fake. The picture to the left is not the packaging mine came it, probably because Clinique changes their packaging every five minutes, but nonetheless, its great. In comparison to Orgasm, this one has significantly less sparkle, where the Orgasm has a greater mixture of bronzed gold. This blush would definitely not work for darker skin tones, just because of the fact that it is so sheer and subtle. That being said, if you are suffering from a pale winter like me, this is definitely something you should try. The pigmentation is great, and its extremely blendable and easy to work with. It retails for $21 on the Clinique website, but I think it is definitely worth trying out - who knows, it could be your new favorite blush!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fashion Run Down | 2014 Grammy's

Hello Beauties 

With awards season in full swing, I thought it only appropriate to dedicate my first blog post to the red carpet looks we all saw at the 2014 Grammys last night.

All in all everyone at the awards looked pretty good so picking only four best looks was difficult. However the first one was a no brainer; Taylor Swift. Taylor looked BEYOND drop dead gorgeous in her silver sequin Gucci gown. While I haven't been a huge Taylor Swift fan in the past, I do have to say she made a fan of me with this look. While I won't be singing 'Love Story' from my balcony any time soon, she still looks fabulous. The silhouette was extremely flattering on her tall frame and the cinched in waist line did her serious justice. Combined with the effortlessly chic hair and make-up, no one did it better than T-swift last night; Eat your heart out Harry Styles.

Another stunner in sequins was Christine Teigen, wife of singer John Legend. Apart from being one of the most beautiful women alive in general, she looked so good last night I wished she was my wife. First and foremost we need to talk about her amazing bronzed complexion. Not only did it make her look like a goddess, it complemented her dress extremely well. Paired with the effortless chic ombré in her hair, there was not a thing I didn't like. Her dress was by Australian designer Johanna Johnson and although she was one of the first stars down the red carpet, this flawless look was not forgotten. Also, her arm candy dressed in Gucci really didn't hurt the overall look either.

Another star who just really nailed their look last night was Miranda Lambert.  She looked all types of sexy in her red Pamella Roland gown. First of all,  this woman deserves a round of applause for how AMAZING her body looks. She slimmed down and toned up, and there was no better way to flaunt her new and improved physique then in this dress. The plunging neck line was just enough to be sexy but not overwhelmingly exposed and the silk details on the waist were to die for. Her gorgeous blonde hair swept to the side and curled made her look glamorous and sophisticated - a side of Miranda we have not seen in a while. From her jewelry to her clutch, this look was an absolute 10.

The last best dressed look of the night goes to Ciara, who also rocked some hard core sequins. Wearing a long-sleeved Emilio Pucci Gown, Ciara made pregnancy look GOOD. I have to say she really surprised me with this one because usually I am not a big fan of her fashion choices. That being said, she absolutely killed this look. She looked fierce, sexy, and best of all, appropriate. Being pregnant and wearing a long gown don't always mix well, but she looked comfortable, and it fit like a glove. Having the effortless up-do and toned down make-up really added to the overall glam. With a dress this loud, I am thankful that her hair and make-up team understood that less was more. This was definitely a win for Ciara and preggos everywhere.

While the good were good, the bad were BAD and unfortunately, Ariana Grande, Sara Bareilles, Skylar Grey, and Paula Patton, really missed their marks in the fashion department.

Most disappointing was Ariana Grande who wore Dolce & Gabbana. Not only was there just way too much gown for a girl of her size, it was extremely unflattering. It made her look short and stumpy and most of all much younger than she is. I don't think the look was age appropriate at all, and for a girl as cute as she is, she really did it all wrong. The half up half down hair was awful and juvenile and the whole floral print matched with sating powder pink shoes made her look more like an American Doll than a pop star. Not to mention the fact she topped off the whole look with her nana's nude stockings. What it all boils down to is the fact that she should have worn something else - literally anything else.

Another flop was Skylar Grey. I say this with a heavy heart because I am usually a big Michael Costello fan, but this gown was just awful. There is just so much wrong with this dress that I don't even know where to begin. From the nude color to the awkwardly placed cut in the middle, the gown made Skylar look naked and washed out. The fabric looked like it belonged on a chair in someone's living room and not as part of a mermaid cut gown on the red carpet. However, that being said, Michael Costello is a genius and I am sure he will make up for it next time, Skyler on the other hand, may not.

Then there is Sara Bareilles. While Sara is known for her beautiful voice, this outfit choice really distracted viewers from that. Sara wore a high-low, fathered, Bluemarine gown, but mostly looked like she was wearing a wet handkerchief with old doilies hot glued to it. The color completely washed her out and the shape of the gown was immensely unflattering. But the sad part is, the dress wasn't even the worst of it. Her hair looked dirty to put it mildly. It looked like she was just coming back from spring break and forgot to take out those braids she had done at the beach. The accessories were another bust- the orange clutch and red patten leather pep-toes clashed with the dress every step she took. Better luck next time Sara.

Paula Patton really out did herself this year, taking home the grammy for worst fashion sense in the history of life. Wearing a gown from Nicolas Jebran's 2013 Spring couture collection she managed let the world know how much her stylist hates her. Rounding out the look with a bouffant ponytail and David Yurman Jewels, Paula was hopeless from the start. While I don't think this gown would be appropriate on any occasion other than on the runway, I do give her props for trying to bend the rules of fashion. However, she didn't just bend them, she snapped them, and it didn't work for her. There is just too much going on, between the zebra print, lion heads, and sheer segments, its overwhelming, but most importantly, its just plain ugly. It looks like a lion and a zebra had an unfortunate sexual encounter and the result was this atrocious gown. A beautiful woman like her should know better. There is always next year to redeem yourself Paula - no more animal prints for you.