Saturday, June 14, 2014

App of the week | Pact

This seems like a super random post, and it kind of is, but I thought it would be cool to share this with everyone. I recently heard about the 'Pact' app from a friend and decided I would give it a try. The idea is that you "get paid for living healthy, by members who don't." It asks you make a 'pact' with yourself about one or all of three things; going to the gym, keeping a food log, and eating fruits and veggies. You commit to a certain number of days you're going to go to the gym each week, a certain number of fruits and veggies you're going to eat each week, and how many days you will log all of your meals. The whole point is that you get paid a couple of dollars every time you complete your 'pact.' The catch is that when you miss a day, they charge you either $5 or $10 depending on which you choose. To make sure you aren't cheating the app tracks your location to make sure you really go to the gym AND you need to be there for at least 30 minutes for it to count. You also have to take pictures of your fruits and veggies and other people who use the app vote on whether or not they should count.

I've been making a huge effort to get in shape and start eating healthy so this app was right up my alley. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely not interested in paying $5 for missing either of the 3 things, so it's great motivation to keep myself on track. Even if you aren't wanting to be extreme and live a super healthy lifestyle, this app is perfect for you too. If you want to start out eating one fruit/veggie a week, or going to the gym once a week, you can do that too. It pays you to do the things you'd normally be doing anyways (or at least that you should be).   :D

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